
Showing posts from May, 2019

How Often Should I Get My Carpet Cleaned?

Carpets can be a comfortable and stylish touch to your home. Unfortunately, though, carpets can easily hide pollutants, pet hair, grime, and dirt from your view. This is why it is so important to make sure you get your carpets cleaned on a regular basis. However, it can be difficult to know how often you should invest in professional carpet cleaning in Las Vegas . There are many different factors should be taken into deliberation, including the manufacturer's instructions and the traffic soil rating for your carpets. In this blog post, we will provide some advice regarding how regularly you should vacuum your carpets and get them cleaned by a professional too. Carpet cleaning guidelines If you have a low traffic soil rating, you should make sure you vacuum your carpets at least once per week, and spot cleaning should be carried out daily or as soon as spots are noticed. You should then invest in professional cleaning in heavy-use areas every 12-18 months. Restorative cleaning ...